Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

First Team Project : NEWSPAPER !

The newspaper front page was the first project in Mass Communication class. My part in this project is as the editor. (well, part of it is because my writing sucks, not to mention my designing skills meh). However, it was a really fun project to do.

Ups and downs? By being the editor, i developed a severe scrutinizing attitude (is it good..i think?) . Since i needed to have my own picture and concept about how the project will looked like, i tried to be a really idealist person. To be straight in telling what i want and how i want it to be done..sounds bad though, but i found it a really important part in this project, and also in life. The down part is...i always procrastinate, which forced us to finish the project in a LIGHTNING SPEED.

However, we did it ! and we finished it as a team :) .Thank you Max,Wen, and Wilson ! :D

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