Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

News Casting class

After my recorded news casting experience, i found that being a newscaster is never a piece of cake.

By being a news caster, you have to gain a FULL CONTROL over yourself. Whether if it's your body language, your pronunciation, your expression, your speed, everything must be done in a pinhole accuracy.

I would say it is a job with a high pressure. Since you'll always be live on TV, a word misspelled will be a flaw in your credibility. Being a spontaneous person that improvise in almost everything i do, i found news casting is binding and too limited for my prefernce.

Even though, i admire the profession of a newscaster since it requires a high standard of requirements to fulfill the purpose of being a newscaster. There are no rooms even for a simple error.

I think being a talk show host will be more suitable for me :p

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