Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

News Casting class

After my recorded news casting experience, i found that being a newscaster is never a piece of cake.

By being a news caster, you have to gain a FULL CONTROL over yourself. Whether if it's your body language, your pronunciation, your expression, your speed, everything must be done in a pinhole accuracy.

I would say it is a job with a high pressure. Since you'll always be live on TV, a word misspelled will be a flaw in your credibility. Being a spontaneous person that improvise in almost everything i do, i found news casting is binding and too limited for my prefernce.

Even though, i admire the profession of a newscaster since it requires a high standard of requirements to fulfill the purpose of being a newscaster. There are no rooms even for a simple error.

I think being a talk show host will be more suitable for me :p

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

ICRT Recording

1st Script:

Taiwan news...

The island's top cross strait negotiator says China understands the concern
it's new passports have generated in Taiwan.

The decision by China to include depictions of scenic spots in Taiwan on its
latest passports has created a furor here at home ... and led the Ma
administration to call on China not to hurt hard-earned stability across the

Straits Exchange Foundation chairman Lin Zhong-sen ... just back from a trip
to China ... said he conveyed Taiwan's solemn position on the matter when he
met with his Beijing counterpart.

Lin's protest follows a similar one last week by Taiwan's top agency for
China policy.

Lin said he was told Beijing understood and would seriously deal with it ...
although he didn't elaborate what steps might be taken.

He added Chinese officials explained to him that there was no intention to
make any kind of a statement ... calling the inclusion of the scenic spots

2nd Script:

Transportation Subsidies
Hualian's tourism industry is up in arms over the closure of the Su-hua
highway ... and is calling on the government to subsidize alternative

The closure of the road due to a 45 meter section being washed away after
recent heavy rains comes just ahead of the peak Christmas and New Year

A partial re-opening of the road isn't expected until the end of the month.

Hotel operators in Hualian say they are looking at massive cancellations ...
and estimate losses upwards of a hundred million NT.

Industry representatives held a meeting today ... saying the government
should subsidize alternate forms of transportation to keep Hualian open to
the outside.

They said this is not just for tourists ... but also local residents who need
to travel to and from other parts of the island.

The representatives added the transportation options in Western Taiwan are
numerous ... but this is not the case for Hualian.

3rd Script:

North Korea
in regional news...

North Koreans stopped in their tracks at midday to silently honor former
ruler Kim Jong Il, whose death one year ago today swept his 20-something son
to power.

The son, Kim Jong Un, led top military and government officials in reopening
the sprawling mausoleum where his father's body now lies in state near that
of his grandfather, the nation's founder Kim Il Sung. The hall bearing Kim
Jong Il's body was expected to open to guests this afternoon.

Kim Jong Il's death from a heart attack was famously followed by scenes of
North Koreans dramatically wailing in the streets of Pyongyang.

The mood in the capital was decidedly more upbeat today, less than a week
after North Korea successfully launched a satellite named for Kim Jong Il.


Sprawling :  to spread out, extend, or be distributed in a straggling orirregular manner, as vines, buildings, handwriting, etc.

Wailing : To make mournful sounds.

Upbeat : Cheerful.

Depictions: Representation of images.

Solemn : Serious.

Media bias: an analysis

The attached news is a reportage of a corruption case scandal involving Indonesia's former sport and youth Minister Andi Mallarangeng, who is going to cooperate with the law and give in some key names of people involved on the scandal. The media played the watchdog role here, and it keeps the public informed about the progress.

I believe the piece of news is an example of an Investigative Reporting bias . Just like The Watergate or recent news about a corrupt Taiwanese politician Lin Yi-Shih, Indonesian media zealously exposed and highlight the scandal which involved high-ranking officials, telling the people "Hello, there's a mole in our government! something is wrong here!"

Other than fulfilling their role as a public watchdog, these kind of stories also sells. So it's basically a constructive bias.

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Poem Project - INVICTUS


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul. 

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

PSA Study (Texting while driving)

These are our group's PSA video and print ads

In this project, my part was working on the raw ideas, video making, and print ads design.

For my personal contribution, i do believe that i had done my part quite well, if i have to give a score, it'll be 85/100. I spent a lot of extra times to collect, arrange, and improve the raw materials such as photos, music,slides and sound effect produced or found by the other team members. I also tried almost every way possible to cap this project with the best icing for the cake. A perfect finishing touch.

However, i did miss out the small details in some parts, such as the lack of Asian people's image in the ads, which would make Taiwanese audience find it harder to relate with the ad. 

My teammates had done a great job in collecting and bringing our brainstorming ideas to a real tangible substance, such as in the "social network logos" and "daddy, whre are you?" PPT effects. Nevertheless, due to lack of discussion time, we sometimes found it hard to resolve problem that appears in the middle of the project.

The most difficult part in working on this project is the brainstorming part. it was tiring and quite frustrating. Yet after we agreed on a theme, ideas just flown out and it started to build on each other by itself. For the production part, i wouldn't say it's overly difficult. It just takes time.

In this PSA, i learned new technical skills such as operating Windows Movie Maker and creating the "running text effect" (i believe it will be truly useful on our club's drama performance next year!).

I also learnt one more step on how to touch human's heart through audio and visual media. I have the believe that touching one's heart is the closest way to bridge a relationship between persons. And who knows, probably this new set of skills will take me far in the future :)

Jovian Gautama

Senin, 26 November 2012

Media: The weapon of mass construction/destruction

After reading the article "Taiwanese girls: Stereotypes and reality" in , i can't help but thinking how most of the stereotypes attributed to Taiwanese women could relate to every other democratic society in the world.

 The image of Taiwanese girl's perfection and beauty promoted by the mass media i believe is an S.O.P that should be run by any mass media organization in order to attract consumers. The appreciation of beauty is universal. Whether if it's in Taiwan or The States, the beauty industry will always full of models with similar traits. (slim body, long legs, big bosom, etc.) . Our beloved Aiden even stated just now that she loves looking at gorgeous women in the media, that's how universal their appeal is.

Kate Upton promoting Skull Candy, an earphone product.

Pointing Taiwanese TV shows and commercials for being shallow is also far from objective. In The States, shows such as MTV's Jersey Shore and Keeping Up with The Kardashians (eeww...) also conveys a shallow message, if there is one. The fact that it also happens in other countries proves the point that we can also find similar phenomenons in other countries as well. Why? because it sells.

 Some people would argue and said, "But we don't like Jersey Shore!" . And so do we, not every Taiwanese really watch those shows. The key here is "Diversity". I agree with the writers pointing out that outside the stereotype, there are millions of Taiwanese with different perceptions for what the mass media shown, just like in any other places.

 In the end, the writers listed out a less-media-related stereotypes. I agree with those points, i do believe the cultural influence plays a bigger role here (such as Taiwanese wedding, friendship, maternal bond, etc.)

 The fault of the Taiwanese media is the fact that they often support the existing stereotypes, strengthening the popular mindset to the people instead of proving otherwise. The media emphasized the shallow image of Taiwanese women without exploring more about what's behind it or even ignore the significance of smart and successful women.

 While foreign media had started to exploit more on the dazzling power of inner beauty such as the beautiful voice of Susan Boyle, or a Forbes list dedicated to businesswomen (The World's most Powerful women in Business 2012, , Taiwanese media still uses the exploitation of sexy good looking superstars as their trump cards. We can't really erase stereotypes, it will always exist. The least that we can do is to balance it and prove it's inaccuracy. And the media plays a big role here.

 On the other hand, media also should straighten up how foreigners are portrayed...

It's barely a secret that one of the phenomenon here in Taiwan is that Taiwanese people tend to treat foreigners, especially Caucasian people, in a much more friendly behavior. I believe it marks the existence of a cultural stereotype, believing that white foreigners is a much more superior, nice, and more polite than the locals or other races, creating an unfair and racist image to foreigners from other races.

As depicted in this article , , Taiwanese should break the rigid stereotypes of international people. Not every white people is a superhero or a saint. When we put it into a bigger scope, this racial issue is just unacceptable in the 21st century. Seeing non-white as an inferior race is simply too narrow minded for a country as developed as the Republic of China.

For Taiwanese youngsters to advance more in today's globalized society, the framework of this "foreigner myths" should also be modified, if not stopped. The idea of horizontal inter-relations between human beings should be emphasized instead of the hierarchical/vertical one, which also lies deep in Chinese culture. Only by seeing ourselves and other international people as equals, we can eliminate the mental block existing in today's inter-cultural relations. Without the mental block resulted from a long rooted stereotypes, there won't be any hesitation or prejudice when one interact in a multi-racial society.

Media can play its role by stopping the idolization of foreigners on TV or other media. The trend of "localizing" western people that can speak Chinese should be reduced. It is irrefutable to say that Taiwan is a homogenic society, yet it should be open to other cultures and perceive them in a correct way. Media holds the wand to start conducting the existing mindset into a better path.

From these two different analysis, one on Taiwanese women, and one on foreigners. We could see how media plays a double-sided coin role in the society.

So, is media  a weapon of mass destruction?Or an equipment for a vigorous construction?

Your choice.

Senin, 19 November 2012

Kimbo & Bruno comic strip

This is my first comic strip, "Kimbo & Bruno"

Enjoyyyy ! :D

Senin, 12 November 2012

PSA campaign brainstorming - Texting while driving.

so this is our brainstorming result... it is BRAINSTORMING in the most literal way ....

Topic: Texting while driving.

Title: No words can replace your presence.

Theme: Prevention

Tagline :
-Drive the wheel, not the phone.
-Your friends and family expect you more than your text.
-Your Facebook updates can wait. Drive safe, type later.

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

E-Zine experience~

For the mid-term Ezine project, our group chose "Movie" as our main theme here. I really love the decision since i'm an avid fan of film ! i love analyzing a movie's plot, scores, characters, setting, etc. The article that i wrote for the project is about the series "House MD" . It was a FANTASTIC series ! just saying :P

The reason why i chose the theme House is because i just love the sarcastic personality and big egos that he's carrying around with. A charisma that makes you hate him and love him at the same time. Moreover, the   smart twists on every episode makes me addicted to find out "what's next..?" .

It was a really fun project ! however, i was unable to give my draft to Aiden for revision (Sorry Aiden...) . Thanks for the opportunity Aiden ! it's projects like this that makes me find out a lump of creativity that i never realized before :D

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

A Picture's Worth~~

A Picture's Worth.

Forever Friends, Forever Family.

Some memories are always there to remain. Through times and space, the nostalgia still will always be there to stay.

For me, one of those are the memories of my high school life :)

I'm not really a family guy. I was raised in a broken home family raised only by my mother. I always have the tendency to do things by myself. I don't look for my family whenever i bump into trouble or whenever i want to share my joy or bitterness. As cold and independent as it may seems, sometimes i do feel lonely...

However, i found my consolation in the middle of my high-school best friends.

In them, i was able to catch a glimpse of sunshine in my previously darkened life.

There are times you just need someone to talk with, a good listener, i found it in them. There are times when you need a really strong advice on how you should deal with them, they are there to help me. There are times when you just need a hilarious or even sick jokes to relieve yourself from daily stress and problems, and they are always there to laugh with me. They are my remedy. They are what i need in life. They are my family.

Now all of us are separated.I came to Taiwan, one of my friends flew to Australia, some stayed in Jakarta, some went to the states and so on.

Yet, we will be always together at heart.

First Team Project : NEWSPAPER !

The newspaper front page was the first project in Mass Communication class. My part in this project is as the editor. (well, part of it is because my writing sucks, not to mention my designing skills meh). However, it was a really fun project to do.

Ups and downs? By being the editor, i developed a severe scrutinizing attitude (is it good..i think?) . Since i needed to have my own picture and concept about how the project will looked like, i tried to be a really idealist person. To be straight in telling what i want and how i want it to be done..sounds bad though, but i found it a really important part in this project, and also in life. The down part is...i always procrastinate, which forced us to finish the project in a LIGHTNING SPEED.

However, we did it ! and we finished it as a team :) .Thank you Max,Wen, and Wilson ! :D

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